Aradale Lunatic Asylum- Australia
Aradale lunatic asylum- Australia This mental asylum located in the South-West of Victoria, Australia, is haunted. Over 13,000 patients had died in this asylum which was built in 1860. Before I continue, why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next! In the year 1886, a man named George Fiddimont was showing some people around the asylum. Suddenly, he had fallen and died on the stairs out of a heart attack. To this day, people hear his footsteps on the stairs but never see him. The womens' ward is said to be haunted by the ghost of a nurse named Kerry. Many people have seen not only her apparition, but also those of other nurses in very old uniforms. In the J Ward of the building, many people feel I'll or very afraid, all of a sudden. Some people fall into a trance and able to get out of it only when the exit the building. People also get pushed or bitten inside of this ward. It is said that three prisoners, who were extrem...