
Showing posts from August, 2023

Clark Air Base Hospital- Philippines

  Clark air base hospital- Philippines  I NEED people to suggest me a few creepy places because I'm running out of them! So, before you continue reading this post, why don't you suggest me a few spooky places you know? This spooky hospital was in use only during World War 2 and the Vietnam War and now lies abandoned in the Clark Freeport Zone in the Philippines. Since this place is all dark and dilapidated, many locals suggest that this place might be haunted. People hear swing music near the foundations of the old canteens when no one else is around. Spirits 'throw' objects on people and some even attack them, leaving many visitors with bruises and scars.  The base hospital,  which is now almost completely ruined, is said to be the most haunted.  People hear the blood curdling screams of others when they're alone and some report seeing strange, dancing orbs of light. The hospital was haunted even when it was in use and the employees had seen many strange things too

Rotonda- Russia

Rotonda- Russia Forgive me for not posting consistently before enjoying this new post! Before I begin, why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next! Close to a very simple house in St. Petersburg Russia, one can find the strangest spot in the city, The Rotonda. The structure is said to have been built by an architect of the 17th century, Auguste de Montferrand. This is a dome shaped structure, supported by 6 pillars which was supposedly built for worship. The stairs which run alongside the walls lead to nothing but a dead end. The lowest part of the rotunda, the basement, was used by punks and rockers to organize concerts and now the walls of the rotunda lay covered with graffiti.  It is said that when people visit this place at night, they hear their own voices behind them. Some people believe that Satan resides in these walls and that you could communicate with him at night, only if you were alone. People believe that things written on the walls of the R