
The Okiku Doll- Japan

  The okiku doll- Japan   Quite a long time ago, in Japan, a young boy named Eikichi Suzuki had decided to gift his little sister, Okiku, a doll. The doll had a quite simple appearance. It was dressed in a simple red kimono and its hair was short( basically it had a Bob cut, the Japanese called it a okappa). Eventually, Okiku grew quite fond of it.   It was then when the disaster struck. Okiku had caught a very severe cold and then died out of pneumonia(that's what most people say). Her family was overcome with grief. The Japanese bear a tradition of burying things that were significant to people along with their bodies. But for some reason, Okiku's family did not burn the doll with her body. Probably because they weren't allowed to do so due to the materials ir was made of(You couldn't bury things made of plastic, glass and metals).  The family decided to place the doll in their house. It was extremely strange to see, that the Bob cut of the doll had slowly become shou

A new beginning

  From now, I swear to actually start posting high quality content on the website and on the Facebook page of Terrifying Tales of The World . Now you're probably wondering if the holy Lord reminded me that I have a blog that is slowly getting covered in spider webs as I haven't written anything here for a long, long while . I really don't know if that's the case  I may have just seen that we hit 1.2 followers on Facebook in 4 weeks, that actually is impressive.  Anyways , brace yourself for more long, creepy , and actually interesting horror stories. 

The Lemp Mansion -United States

The lemp mansion -United States  I know I haven't been able to write a single post in the month of September and please- forgive me for that. This creepy, old and haunted mansion I'm writing about today is in St. Louis, Missouri.  Adam Johann Lemp, who was a German immigrant, was the first person to produce and sell lager- style beer in the US Adam created an underground cave system to store and refrigerate beer barrels. The misery and hauntings had begun when his son, William Lemp had decided to build a mansion above the cave system and live there with his wife, Julia. In the year 1904, William had taken his own life since his favorite son, Frederick had died out of tuberculosis.  William's wife had died put of cancer in 1920 and his youngest daughter Elsa, had died mysteriously (not in the Lemp mansion). Charles Lemp had lived in the house from the 1930s to 1949 which was the year when he had shot his dog and killed himself too in the same room where William Lemp had kill

Clark Air Base Hospital- Philippines

  Clark air base hospital- Philippines  I NEED people to suggest me a few creepy places because I'm running out of them! So, before you continue reading this post, why don't you suggest me a few spooky places you know? This spooky hospital was in use only during World War 2 and the Vietnam War and now lies abandoned in the Clark Freeport Zone in the Philippines. Since this place is all dark and dilapidated, many locals suggest that this place might be haunted. People hear swing music near the foundations of the old canteens when no one else is around. Spirits 'throw' objects on people and some even attack them, leaving many visitors with bruises and scars.  The base hospital,  which is now almost completely ruined, is said to be the most haunted.  People hear the blood curdling screams of others when they're alone and some report seeing strange, dancing orbs of light. The hospital was haunted even when it was in use and the employees had seen many strange things too

Rotonda- Russia

Rotonda- Russia Forgive me for not posting consistently before enjoying this new post! Before I begin, why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next! Close to a very simple house in St. Petersburg Russia, one can find the strangest spot in the city, The Rotonda. The structure is said to have been built by an architect of the 17th century, Auguste de Montferrand. This is a dome shaped structure, supported by 6 pillars which was supposedly built for worship. The stairs which run alongside the walls lead to nothing but a dead end. The lowest part of the rotunda, the basement, was used by punks and rockers to organize concerts and now the walls of the rotunda lay covered with graffiti.  It is said that when people visit this place at night, they hear their own voices behind them. Some people believe that Satan resides in these walls and that you could communicate with him at night, only if you were alone. People believe that things written on the walls of the R

Aradale Lunatic Asylum- Australia

  Aradale lunatic asylum- Australia This mental asylum located in the South-West of Victoria,  Australia, is haunted. Over 13,000 patients had died in this asylum which was built in 1860. Before I continue,  why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next!  In the year 1886, a man named George Fiddimont was showing some people around the asylum. Suddenly, he had fallen and died on the stairs out of a heart attack. To this day, people hear his footsteps on the stairs but never see him. The womens' ward is said to be haunted by the ghost of a nurse named Kerry. Many people have seen not only her apparition,  but also those of other nurses in very old uniforms.  In the J Ward of the building,  many people feel I'll or very afraid, all of a sudden. Some people fall into a trance and able to get out of it only when the exit the building. People also get pushed or bitten inside of this ward. It is said that three prisoners, who were extremely restless, had

Dead Man's Island- Canada

  Dead man's island- Canada The Dead Man's Island in Vancouver, Canada is one of the most creepy places on the planet. This place is said to be haunted by the spirits of at least 200 soldiers. Before I continue, why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next!  Many hundreds of years ago, the Squamish people living in this island  used to bury their people in trees. Which is why many people believe the island is haunted.   There was also a huge war fought on this island,  which was between the people living in the north and south of the island. After the war, the people of the south had captured about 200 soldiers from the north. Before being killed brutally by the southerners, the soldiers were tortured for long. The next morning, the field in which the bodies of the 200 soldiers were thrown was full of flaming fire flowers. Spooked by this, all of the remaining residents of the island fled to never return again. There were attempts to make this isla


  No more posts everyday :( I'm really sorry to tell this to yall but I'm not gonna be able to post new stories everyday.  But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop. So I, for the love of horror, am gonna be posting once or twice a week. And maybe, after a few months, I might be able to post everyday again! But I promise you, that I'll never stop posting horror stories on this blog. Since you're done reading this post, Go read my  other blogs until I post a new story this week! Bye bye!

The Joelma Building- Brazil

  The Joelma Building- Brazil This place, located in Brazil is not only haunted by the 486 people who died in a fire, but also by the 13 people who died in the elevator. Hold up- before I continue this story, why don't you comment down which country's story I must write next!      The fire which had broken out in the year 1971, had managed to kill many people. The fire is said to have been started by an over heated air-conditioning system. Within 20 minutes, the entire building was engulfed in flames. Since there were no emergency exits, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in the building, most of the people couldn't escape.      The fire fighters had arrived, but not with proper equipment and their ladders could reach only till the 15th floor in the 25 story building. They tried to rescue the people on the higher floors using helicopters but failed. It was then, when 13 of the survivors had decided to use the lift, even though it wasn't advisable to do so. The lift

Arkeshus Festning- Norway

  Arkeshus festning- Norway This place, which was built in the 13th century was used as a prison until the 1950s in Norway. It is said that the prisoners were punished horribly and the sentences in the castle involved hard physical labor. The security guards working at the palace report hearing strange scratching and whispering sounds from the hallway. Some people have been pushed by some unknown entity. For many decades, people have seen the apparition of a woman in a dark, long, cloak who roams the castle. Some people believe that she has no face.  They called her Mantelgeisten (cloaked ghost). Many decades ago, the guards of the castle were ordered to provide more security to the castle, which was why the guards had bought a dog. It is said that they buried the dog alive so that its angry spirit returns to haunt the land forever.  The people who had claimed to be bitten by the dog had died within three months. These ghosts are not the only ones that haunt the place. On one quiet eve