
Showing posts from April, 2023

Inukani Tunnel- Japan

  Inukani Tunnel- Japan This creepy tunnel, about which I'm writing today's blog, is located in Miyawaka, Japan. This tunnel, in which many deaths have taken place, has really spooky surroundings. Although it is now sealed completely, it still managed to be a famous tourist hotspot, even during the pandemic.          Locals say that decades ago, a little girl was killed in the tunnel and the murderers were never found. Many people have claimed to hear the cries of a girl, calling out to them.          On the 7th day of December, 1988, 5 boys tried  to steal a car from an engineer without success, they later abducted him and tortured him for days, before ending his life by burning him alive with gasoline. In the year 2000, people of the area also found a body in a dam nearby. The supply of ghost stories and hauntings coming from this region are never ending.   Would you wanna visit this place?

Dumas Beach- Gujarat

  Dumas Beach- Gujarat This vast beach, 20 kilometers away from Surat, in Gujarat ,India, is covered in black sand that provides enough fertility for horror stories and tales to rise. The name of this beach is always found in the records and lists of the most haunted places in India.      People say that this region used to serve as a Hindu cremation ground ages ago. The black colour of the sand is due to the ash, which got mixed in the white sand.     On entering the beach, one can easily sense the negativity in the surroundings. Many people have also gone missing in this vast beach. Once a man was found dead in this beach with his tongue sticking out. No one could explain these mishaps taking place here.     Many people also claim to here the sounds of people laughing and crying, even when there is not a single soul on the beach other than them. People have also seen mysterious white apparitions of people from far away.  Would you wanna visit this place?

The Glamis Castle - Scotland

The Glamis Castle - Scotland           This wonderful castle, which is situated beside the village of Glamis, in Angus, Scotland, is said to have been the childhood home of late Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. The castle had  housed the Lyon family since the 14th century. This castle has many legends and tales attached to it.           The most famous legend connected to this castle, is The Monster Of Glamis, who was a hideously deformed child born to the family. The room in which the monster spent his whole life was bricked-up after his death. An alternative version of this legend is that a vampire is born to every generation of the family, who is to be walled up in that room.            There is also another famous legend attached to this castle. It is said that Earl Beardie, a 15th century visitor, had gotten drunk and was playing cards till late hours in the night. When the servants of the castle refused to play, he got furious and announced that he would now play with the Devil

Dona Paula Beach- Goa

Dona Paula Beach- Goa The haunting of this beautiful beach is what made me write today's post. This beach, located in Goa, India, is not only pretty, but also terrifying.           According to the legend, there was a young girl named, Paula Amaral de Souto-Maior,  who was a relative of the Portuguese viceroy. She had fallen in love with a local fisherman and had married him, even though her parents didn't agree. One day, her beloved husband went to the sea, to never return again. She waited at the shore for years and years and eventually, turned into a stone statue. The statue is said to be placed in the Cabo Chapel nearby.          Another lore states that the Viceroy had been informed about her affair with the fisherman, and stopped Paula from meeting him. She resisted, cried, and eventually took her life in the Arabian Sea to be with her lover. When the Viceroy got to know of this, he ordered for the construction of a statue of her, at the place from where she jumped. Many

Bride's pool- Hong Kong

  Bride's Pool- Hong Kong  This terrifying place is located in Shuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong. On seeing  this pool for the first time, one may not find anything much spooky. But, after dark, if you managed to stay near the pool, you might see the apparition of a bride, lurking in the waters of the pool. The local legend states that, an ancient bride-to-be was visiting her groom's village. She was being carried by 4 men(porters) on a sedan chair. As they were passing over the waterfall, which fed the Bride's Pool, one of the men slipped on a rock. Resulting in all of them falling into the pool, deep down. Unfortunately, due to the heavy weight of her Cheongsam(a traditional, tight-fitting dress), the bride drowned, along with her porters. The reports of many people taking their lives near this place were also found. The road sitting above this pool also has an equally terrifying history.The road has been coined, "The Deadly Curve" due to the large number of

The Delhi Cantonment Hauntings

  The Delhi Cantonment Hauntings Not all ghosts love haunting old buildings, hotels and forests. A good example is the Delhi Cantonment, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful parts of Delhi, India. It is a wonderful place to have a great time. On hearing for the first time, not many people could believe that this place is haunted.  The urban legend states that, after dark, one can see the apparition of a woman in a white sari standing on the side of the road. If she spots you driving, she'll probably ask you for a lift. If you deny her, she's gonna chase you at the same speed of the vehicle. Quite creepy to think about, right? It is said that this woman had died on the same road a long time ago and is still trying to reach her destination. Would you wanna use this road at night?

Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

  Banff Springs Hotel, Canada This creepy hotel which I'm writing about today, is located in Banff, Alberta, Canada. This wonderful hotel, which is located in the middle of mountains, and has a beautiful scenery, also has a dark past. This hotel was burnt down in 1926 and it was rebuilt into a larger, and modern building in 1928. Many visitors have claimed to see the apparition of Sam the Bellman. Sam supposedly died in 1976. He loved the hotel so much that he said that he would return there, even after his death, which some believe, is true. Those who've had encounters with him, have described him as an elderly man in an old fashioned uniform. He still helps getting locked out guests into their rooms, getting guests to certain floors, performing wake-up calls and helps guests with their luggage even after his death! Many people consider him to be a friendly ghost. In this picture I found, Sam is seated in the center.  Now we're coming to the spooky part, there's a miss

Dow Hill - West Bengal

  Dow Hill - West Bengal                         I can assure you that Dow Hill in West Bengal, India isn't the best place for you to hike in. When we try to account the horror history of India, the terrifying tales of these hills will always be mentioned. If you're faint-hearted, you should certainly avoid the 'Death Road" between the Dow-hill road and Forest office. Because, on this road, many loggers have reported to see the apparition of a young, headless boy who walks around and then suddenly disappears into the forest. Many tourists on entering, feel like they're being watched and followed. Some also hear footsteps following close behind.  After dark, many people have seen a shiny, red eye peering at them from the woods. To add to this, some people see the apparition of a woman in grey, following them in the deep dense woods . For the last shock, there's a haunted Boys' school near the woods. The school isn't any less creepy than the forest. Local

Hotel Cecil-The House of Killing(United States)

Hotel Cecil- The House of Killing This terrifying hotel which forced me to write today's post is located in Los Angeles, USA. The walls of the hotel housed many deaths and killers which was why it was known as the "House of Killing" .The Cecil hotel- renamed "Stay on Main" is no longer open to guests, but as of few years ago, there were a handful of long-term tenants still living there. Inside of this infamous hotel, at least 16 people had taken their own lives. Most of them had committed suicide by jumping off the building. Reports say that this hotel also housed 2 serial killers. In the late 1960s, a retiree living in one of the residential rooms was discovered dead in her room, apparently a victim of rape, physical assault and stabbing. Her murder was never solved. This hotel was the inspiration for the American horror story-Hotel due to all the mysterious deaths that have happened there. Would you wanna visit such a hotel?

Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor

Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor The Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor is a ghost legend which started to spread among the people of the remote area of Dartmoor in the English country of Devon when they started to notice an unusually high amount of road accidents taking place in the area in the early 20th century. According to this legend, the hairy Hands are a pair of disembodied hands,  which grab the handles or steering wheel of the vehicle and force the driver off the road. For some people, the Hands appear invisible.  In most instances,  the victims ran into a verge and survived. Their experiences remained a local curiosity until in June 1921, when E. H. Helby,  the medical officer of Dartmoor prison, was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle combination. Two young girls, who were the children of the prison governor,  and were riding in the sidecar, survived. All of the reported incidents have not occurred in moving vehicles. Because in one incident, in 1924, a woman camping on the moor with

My First Post and Story

             Hello to everyone who is reading this post! This is my first post on I wish to dedicate this post and all of the following ones to narrating TRUE horror stories  and tales from ALL OVER the world. I hope you're gonna enjoy reading all of my posts.               The first small tale I'm narrating to you, takes place in Shimla, India. The apparitions of British gentlemen and ladies make a repeated mention in the horror stories of Shimla. Many people have claimed to have seen the famous apparition of four headless pullers, hauling a rickshaw, on which sits a headless lady, in Victorian attire between Mall road and Chotta Shimla at night. People, after seeing this happen almost every night on that road, called it a "Chudail Baudi". This spooky sighting is also the reason why many people fear to use these roads after 12 at night.             The tunnel number 33 and 103 on the Kalka-Shimla rail track a believed to be very haunted places. People re