Dow Hill - West Bengal

 Dow Hill - West Bengal


        I can assure you that Dow Hill in West Bengal, India isn't the best place for you to hike in. When we try to account the horror history of India, the terrifying tales of these hills will always be mentioned.

If you're faint-hearted, you should certainly avoid the 'Death Road" between the Dow-hill road and Forest office. Because, on this road, many loggers have reported to see the apparition of a young, headless boy who walks around and then suddenly disappears into the forest. Many tourists on entering, feel like they're being watched and followed. Some also hear footsteps following close behind.  After dark, many people have seen a shiny, red eye peering at them from the woods. To add to this, some people see the apparition of a woman in grey, following them in the deep dense woods.
For the last shock, there's a haunted Boys' school near the woods. The school isn't any less creepy than the forest. Locals hear the Loud whispering and footsteps of children between December and March (The school is closed at that time).

I've also looked up this video on YouTube, in which some guys stay a whole night on the infamous "Death Road". You can watch this video if you know a bit of Bengali/Hindi.

Would you wanna visit this place alone at night?


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