Villisca Axe Murders- United States

 Villisca Axe Murders- United States

This terrifying murder took place in Villisca, Iowa, United States in the year 1912. All the six members of the Moore family, including two guests were found dead in their residence.

It is said that the murders had taken place between midnight and 5 AM. It was discovered that the family was killed with an axe and the killer/killers were never found. The blows of the axe were so hard that one of the victims eyes had gone missing. Investigators state that the killer had first entered the parents' room, where they were sleeping before he/she cracked their skulls with an axe. After ending the lives of the parents, the killer had murdered the children in the same manner. The bodies were discovered in the morning by their neighbour, on realising that the family had not come out to do their daily chores.

    People still hear the wails of children crying inside of the house. Many people also claim to see the apparition of a man carrying an axe through the window.

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