Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor

Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor

The Hairy Hands Of Dartmoor is a ghost legend which started to spread among the people of the remote area of Dartmoor in the English country of Devon when they started to notice an unusually high amount of road accidents taking place in the area in the early 20th century.

According to this legend, the hairy Hands are a pair of disembodied hands,  which grab the handles or steering wheel of the vehicle and force the driver off the road. For some people, the Hands appear invisible. 

In most instances,  the victims ran into a verge and survived. Their experiences remained a local curiosity until in June 1921, when E. H. Helby,  the medical officer of Dartmoor prison, was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle combination. Two young girls, who were the children of the prison governor,  and were riding in the sidecar, survived.

All of the reported incidents have not occurred in moving vehicles. Because in one incident, in 1924, a woman camping on the moor with her husband, reported seeing a hairy, muscular and disembodied hands trying to gain access to her caravan at midnight. The hand had retreated when the woman made the sign of the cross.

Would you dare to use this road at night?

PS:I'm gonna be posting almost everyday for a few months :)


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