Abbey Bungalow- Uttarakhand

Abbey Bungalow- Uttarakhand

    Lohaghat, is now famous, or rather infamous for its Abbey Bungalow, which is located in Uttarakhand, India. This bungalow is infamous for its hideous Mukthi Kothri, where many people were killed in the mid 19th century.

    Before the owner made the building a hospital, he used to live there with his family. The hospital had a great reputation before a very strange doctor had joined the hospital. It is said that the doctor claimed to know whether the patient would live or not. The doctor could also mention the exact date on which the patient would die.
Most of the time, his predictions would be accurate.
    It is said by the locals that, after predicting, the doctor would take the patient in to a special ward called the Mukthi Kothri (room of freedom), where he would brutally murder the patient, so that his prediction would come true.
    Many people still hear the blood-curdling screams of the patients who had died in the room. It is said that the unfairly treated patients had cursed that place and are still moving around, which is why nobody dares to visit the place after dark.

      Above, is a video I found on YouTube, about this haunted bungalow, the exploration starts at 9:00 mins.

    Would you wanna find out the truth?


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