Dock Street Theater- United States

 Dock Street Theater- United States 

This creepy place which I'm writing about today, is located in the United States. The building had been burnt in 1740, and also suffered from an earthquake in the year 1886.

The most popular ghost of the theater is the one of Nettie Dickerson. It is said that she had arrived at Charleston with the hope of finding herself a husband. But unfortunately, the 25 year old woman was too old to get married according to society back then. It is said that she started to work at a Church for a while after which using the money she had saved, she bought herself a beautiful red dress. She had left the church and decided to become a prostitute. 

It is said that not much later, at the roof of this theater,  she was struck by a bolt of lightning and died. Many people have claimed to see her spirit on the second floor of the theater, in her tattered red dress.

Many people say that the father of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of the President, also haunts the place.

Would you wanna visit this place? 

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