Edinburgh Castle- Scotland

 Edinburgh Castle- Scotland

This castle is one of the most besieged castle in Britain- having faced at least 23 attacks. It is said that many spirits of those who died here had never decided to leave the place.

    It is said that several hundred years ago, a network of tunnels was discovered under the castle. A piper was sent to discover where the tunnels led to. The piper played a bagpipe while travelling through the tunnels so that the people on the surface could know where he was. It is said that the sounds had stopped halfway, leaving the people confused. A search party had gone to look for the piper. But unfortunately, he was never found. 

    Many people, on very quiet days, when the noise of traffic has subsided, claim to hear the faint sound of bagpipes playing underground.

    Many strange experiences surrounding this castle include many people seeing sword shaped meteors falling across the sky. You might also be able to see the faint apparition of ancient soldiers on horseback on the hills nearby. It is said that these soldiers suddenly disappear if one tries to come close.

There are many, many scary stories from this place, which is the reason why I'm gonna write a part 2 blog about this place sometime soon.

Do you wanna visit this place?


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