Gunnuhver- Iceland

 Gunnuhver- Iceland

This creepy haunting takes place in the largest geothermal mud pool of Iceland, Gunnuhver. This place is said to be haunted by the furious, terrifying spirit of an ancient female resident of the place named Gunna.

    It is said that about 400 years ago, lived a woman named Gunna. People accused her of doing witchcraft since she always had a cooking pot brewing something. One fateful day, when the woman didn't pay her rent, the landlord had taken away her pot. Furious, she decided to starve herself to death.

    After her death, the men carrying her coffin felt that it was unusually light. The next day, the bruised body of her landlord was found with many broken bones. It is said that her soul was still not satisfied with this and continued to brutally murder other residents of the place before a priest had managed to trap her for eternity in one of the boiling hot mud springs.

    It is said that her spirit never reached the internal pit but stayed on the edge. Many people have seen her wailing spirit along with the hot steam in the edge.

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