Kuldhara Village- The Cursed Land Of Rajasthan

 Kuldhara Village- The Cursed Land Of Rajasthan

This creepy, abandoned village- or what used to be a village, is located in the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. This village was built in the 13th century, and got destroyed, almost completely by the 19th century.

    It is said that after the extremely strict treatment by their head Salim Singh, all the villagers left the village overnight after cursing the land. The villagers, who fled in the early 19 hundreds, had cursed the land that nobody would ever be able to dwell or breed on the land after they left.

    Many tourists and ghost hunters have heard the voices of dead villagers on their sound boxes. People also claim to hear the voices of children and adults screaming. Many people not only see scratches on their cars and vehicles, but also see the foot prints of small children.

Would you wanna visit this place at night?


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