St. Augustine Lighthouse- United States

 St. Augustine Lighthouse- United States

This beautiful but creepy lighthouse, which stands 50 meters tall is located in the United States of America. The lighthouse, which was constructed in 1871, housed at least 4 deaths.

The most famous ghost of the lighthouse used to be one of the first keepers of the lighthouse, Peter Rasmussen. He's probably the first ghost you're gonna see after entering the building. He's also known for his love for cigars. Many people across the lighthouse, including the workers, claim to have smelt his cigar.

Joseph Andreu is the name of another ghost who has been haunting the lighthouse for over a hundred years. It is said that he had died after falling from the lighthouse while painting it from the outside. Many people have seen him staring down at them from the top of the tower.

Many people say that the daughters of a worker, Eliza and Mary had died in the property and their ghosts haunt the place. Many people claim to hear the dead girls laughing at late hours in the night. People have also seen the ghost of Eliza, wearing the same blue dress she had died in.

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