Stanley Hotel- United States

 Stanley Hotel- United States

This beautiful hotel, in Colorado, United States, would be the best place for a wonderful vacation if it didn't have a reputation for creepy stories and occurrences. Inside of this hotel, in 1911, was a huge fire which had destroyed one tenth of the hotel.

    In room number 217, in the year 1911, a maid named Elizabeth Wilson had lit a candle. Unfortunately, there was a gas-leak in the room, which caused an explosion, which had destroyed one tenth of the building. The maid survived, but with a few broken bones. She continued to work in the hotel until she died in the 1950s, probably out of an illness.  Many people believe that her soul has still not left the hotel. Many people hear the soul of the woman crying at night, in room 217. It is said that she also folds the clothes of guests while they're sleeping, even after her death!

    Many people have seen the apparition of two girls in white clothes on the stairs, similar to the twins featured in The Shining. People have also claimed to see the ghost of Mrs. Stanley playing the piano. She is often associated with rose scent. People also get touched, even when there is nobody around!

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