
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Forbidden City- China

  The Forbidden City- china The Forbidden City, in China, housed its emperors for more than five centuries during which many people had been killed in the palace  grounds. The reports of ghost sightings from this place have been arriving since the 1940s.  The most common ghost spotted here is that of a crying woman in white. The first time someone had seen her was in the 1940s. The man who had seen her had said that she was dressed in white and had long hair. When the man came close to her and said something, the woman would pretend to not hear him at all. The security guards working at the place have spotted strange, disfigured creatures running around outside the palace at night. People believe that due to these hauntings, the forbidden city is closed at night. Would you wanna visit this place?

Eastern State Penitentiary- United States

  Eastern State Penitentiary- United States This penitentiary in the United States was the home of some of the most notorious criminals in the country. It is said that the spirits of the punished prisoners haunt the place. It is said that the criminals were left wet in the cold until ice was formed on their bodies and were given iron gags which made their tongues bleed. It is said that once in the 1990s when a locksmith was repairing one of the cells, he had suddenly gone numb and was unable to move. He said that he had seen the faces of criminals forming on the walls and smirking at him.  After this incident took place, many creepy things started to occur there. People have seen apparitions of the dead lurking in the darkness. Some people also have claimed to hear eerie giggles and wails of people inside. Would you wanna visit this place?

Posada Del Sol- Mexico

  Posada Del Sol- Mexico This creepy, abandoned hotel- or what is left of it, is located in Mexico city. This building, which used to be a famous hotel, is now in ruins, with its walls filled with graffiti. It is said that the owner of the hotel had committed suicide in the hotel and was buried near the property.  It is said that his soul haunts the ruins of the place.  It is believed that many years ago, a young girl had passed away in the basement of the building and her soul never left. People pay their respects to her soul by keeping candy in front of a dress of hers in the basement. It is said that she curses anyone who enters the basement and many investigators have claimed to see her apparition. Many people hear her giggling throughout the building but never find her.   Above, is a picture of the dress of the girl who had died in the basement. Would you wanna visit this place?

Hotel Monte Vista- United States

  Hotel Monte Vista- United States  This creepy hotel which I'm writing about today, is located in Arizona, United States. This place is said to be haunted by many ghosts including an old woman, an infant and even two prostitutes. It is said that room 305 is haunted by the spirit of an old woman who used to sit on her rocking chair at the window for hours. Many people report seeing her apparition at the window, even when the room is empty. The rocking chair also moves by itself at times. Many people hear the sounds of an infant child screaming at night, in the basement, even when empty. The ghost of a bellboy also haunts the place and knocks on the doors of people. This place is also haunted by the spirits of two prostitutes who were killed and thrown out of the window in the 1940s. The most bizarre ghost is the one of The Meat Man. It is said that he lived in room 220 in the 1980s, and used to hang raw meat on the chandelier. His body was found in his room three days after he had

Aokigahara Forest- Japan

  Aokigahara Forest- Japan This hauntingly beautiful forest, which has taken the lives of many people, is located very close to Mount Fuji, in Japan. More than 500 people have killed themselves in the forest till date.   At the entrance of the forest, stands a board which states, " Life is a precious gift" to try to prevent people from committing suicide. It is said that this place us haunted by many evil Japanese mythical creatures, which force people to kill themselves. Many people have commited suicide because they weren't able to find their way out of the forest. This place is said to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. The ghosts and spirits of the people who did not die in peace haunt this place.  Would you wanna visit this place? 

Monte Cristo Homestead - Australia

  Monte Cristo Homestead- Australia This creepy Homestead where you can spend a night, is located in New South Wales, Australia. Unlike other haunted places, this region is haunted by the spirits of many people. It is said that the first person to die in there was a maid. She had fallen down from the second floor balcony to her death. The owners tried to remove the huge blood stain by using bleach, which failed and now there's a huge patch of bleach. Many people living in the Homestead have claimed to see the apparition of a woman in the balcony and heard footsteps at midnight. It is said that a 10 month old baby was dropped down on the stairs by her nanny, some people say it was on purpose.  The place is also haunted by a boy who was burnt alive. But the most chilling ghost is the one of a chained, mentally disturbed man. It is said that he was chasing in a room for 40 years of his life, and makes his presence known by clanking his chains. Would you wanna spend a night here?

Poveglia Island- Italy

  Poveglia Island- Italy Many strange things have taken place in this island belonging to Italy, named Poveglia. Its haunted history started from the 1300s, which continued on till the early 1900s.      When the Bubonic plague had struck Europe and some parts of Asia, this island was used to dump the sick, ill and dying victims. None of the victims believed that they would ever return back home. The bodies of the dead, and the sick, who were too weak to fight back were burnt. The souls of all the people who died in pain had cursed the land.      Many years after this, in the early 1800s, the island was used as a mental asylum. The doctor would do crazy experiments on the patients, which either killed them or permanently injured them. It is said that after a while, even the doctor had gone mad and took his own life in the year 1930.      Even today, local fishermen fear to stay close to the island after dark. They believe, that the spirits of those who did not die in peace will haunt th

La Recoleta Cemetery- Argentina

  La Recoleta Cemetery- Argentina  This creepy Cemetery which I'm writing about today, is located in Argentina. This Cemetery houses the graves of many important people such as the Presidents of Argentina, the granddaughters of Napoleon and Nobel prize winners. Many years ago, a girl was found dead in her room, probably because of a heart attack. They had buried her in this Cemetery before discovering that her coffin had moved a few inches from where it was buried. Many scratches were discovered on the inside of the coffin, which indicated that the poor girl had been buried alive. It is also said that the grave digger's soul also haunts the place. He had been digging graves for many decades in the Cemetery before he took his own life. Many people claim to hear the jingle of his keys in the Cemetery after dark.  Would you wanna visit this place? PS-Feel free to comment down which country's story I must write next!

Bhuli Bhatiyari Ka Mahal- Delhi

  Bhuli Bhatiyari Ka Mahal- Delhi This haunted place in Delhi, India, is said to be one of the most unpopular places. It's said that the screams and wails of women are heard here at night. In the 14th century, this palace was built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq. It is said that the military general, who was supposed to live in the palace had mysteriously disappeared one day. Some say that he was killed and eaten by some wild animal in the forest.  Much later, a king had abandoned his wife in the palace, to die there alone. Not much later, she died, but not before cursing the place. It is said that her curse still exists and is the reason why nobody can live in the palace for more than a day. Even security guards are unable to guard the palace for a night. They say that they experience many paranormal things during their stay. The locals state that a spirit visits the palace every night. Would you wanna visit this place?

Wolfsegg Castle- Germany

  Wolfsegg Castle- Germany This haunted Castle which I'm writing about today, is located in Germany. The apparition of a woman is white is the most common one seen here. It is said that the ghost of Klara Von Helfenstein, the wife of the man who built the castle haunts the place. The story goes that her husband often used to go on long military campaigns and would be away for a long time, during which his wife would get very bored and lonely. This was the reason why she started having affairs with other men in the palace.  When her husband found out the truth, he had her killed by some local men at night. Many people have seen her apparition in white clothes everywhere in the palace, especially in her bedroom. People also hear her blood curdling screams at night.  Above, is the portrait of Klara Von Helfenstein, in the most haunted room of the castle- her bedroom Do you wanna visit this place?

Shanidwara Fort- Pune

  Shanidwara Fort- Pune This old, scary fort which is haunted by a murdered prince is located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. This fort is not only haunted by the prince but also by the spirits of people who died in a fire in the place long ago. It is said that when Narayan Rao occupied the fort, many people weren't happy with it. One of them was Raghunath Rao. It is said that he and his wife had sent a letter to a local tribe to have Narayan Rao killed.  The tribesmen had arrived secretly at the palace and then woke Narayan from his sleep and chased him to finally kill him. They had cut his body into small pieces and threw it into a river nearby. Many people still hear the screams of Narayan Rao at night, especially on Full Moon ones. It is also probhited to visit the fort after 6:30pm. Would you wanna visit this place?

Dock Street Theater- United States

  Dock Street Theater- United States  This creepy place which I'm writing about today, is located in the United States. The building had been burnt in 1740, and also suffered from an earthquake in the year 1886. The most popular ghost of the theater is the one of Nettie Dickerson. It is said that she had arrived at Charleston with the hope of finding herself a husband. But unfortunately, the 25 year old woman was too old to get married according to society back then. It is said that she started to work at a Church for a while after which using the money she had saved, she bought herself a beautiful red dress. She had left the church and decided to become a prostitute.  It is said that not much later, at the roof of this theater,  she was struck by a bolt of lightning and died. Many people have claimed to see her spirit on the second floor of the theater, in her tattered red dress. Many people say that the father of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of the President, also haunts the p

Sanjay Gandhi National Park- Mumbai

  Sanjay Gandhi National Park- Mumbai Many people on hearing for the first time never believe that this beautiful park located in Mumbai, India, is haunted. This place is haunted mostly by the spirits of people who were killed by animals. Many people have claimed to see a hitchhiker dressed in white, who asked them for a lift before disappearing into thin air. It is said that she appears only on lonely roads, after dark. Many people fear staying in the park after sundown because of her spirit. Many people hear strange voices of people when they're alone and constantly fell like they're being followed and watched. The night guards of the place have many creepy stories and experiences to share. Sometimes, the guards see hazy apparitions of hikers a few meters ahead of them which disappear suddenly. Do you wanna visit this place? Feel free to comment which country's story I must write next! 

Al Madam- UAE

Al Madam- UAE The creepy silence of the Al Madam village, near Dubai in UAE is what made me write today's post. This village, which was deserted long ago, still welcomes tourists and ghost hunters from all over the world. It is said that this village was constructed in the 1970s, before being deserted.  Now, almost every house is filled with sand, because of the mighty desert winds.  It is said that the people of the village had left because they were being tortured and troubled by a jinn (evil spirit). It is said that the jinn still haunts the village and becomes more active at night. After dark, one can hear the blood curdling screams of a woman (it is said that jinns can change their voice and form).  Locals say that there's something mysterious in the sand, which caused it to enter the houses of people. Would you wanna visit this place?

Agrasen ki Baoli- Delhi

  Agrasen ki Baoli- Delhi Nobody really know who built this step well, which I'm writing about today. Many people claim to be followed, on entering this place located in Delhi, India. It is said that there used to be black water filled in this creepy step well. Many people would feel like drowning themselves in this water for some unknown reason. It is said that the black water had the ability to attract people towards itself and force them to submerge themselves in it. This water, which had caused many people to take their lives, is now dried up.  On entering, many people feel like they're being followed by some unseen entity. This is probably because the step well has 103 steps which causes people to hear their own footsteps. Would you wanna visit this place?

Bonaventure Cemetery- United States

  Bonaventure Cemetery- Savannah This creepy place is the most haunted cemetery in the city of Savannah. The most famous ghost haunting the cemetery is the one which belongs to little Gracie Watson. Gracie Watson was the daughter of W J and Frances Watson, who managed the Pulaski Hotel, now demolished. When the little girl was alive, she would be found playing in the hotel, entertaining guests most of the time. She had died two days before Easter, in the year 1889. Her heartbroken parents had got a statue of her placed as a grave marker. The statue was life-sized, showing Gracie placing her hand on a tree stump. Death doesn't seem to stop her from greeting people who visit the place. Many people have claimed to see her ghost running around the cemetery in a white dress. She has also interacted with many people. Her grave isn't the only haunted one. Some statues seem to smile at people when they stare at them. Do you wanna pay her a visit?

Kundanbagh- Hyderabad

  Kundanbagh- Hyderabad This haunting takes place in an old house in Hyderabad, India. It is said that a family of 4, parents and two sisters- lived in the house to haunt it later on. The story says that one day, the father had left the house to never return again. It is said that no one knows anything about what happened to him and why he went. The mother and two daughters were also very strange people, according to the neighbours. They said that they had seen the daughters playing with a blood filled bottle outside the house.  One day, a theif had barged inside the house, only to find the dead bodies of the three people. It had been found that the woman and her daughters had been dead for 6 months. On hearing this, the neighbours wondered how they were able to hear the three of them singing every night. The electric supply of the house had also been cut off, but mysteriously, the lights on the first floor are switched on at night.  The headlights of vehicles turn off by themselves on

Tower of London- England

  Tower of London- England This tower has housed the deaths of many people in its 900 years of history. This tower in England, is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the world.     It is said that in the year 1536, Anne Boleyn was beheaded in Tower Green, on orders from orders of her husband King Henry VII, after giving birth to a stillborn son. Many people have claimed to see her headless apparition, holding her own head while roaming around the castle. In 1541, The Countess Of Salisbury had refused to place her head on the scaffold, after which she was chased around the castle by the executioner until he caught up to her and brutally hacked  her to death. Many people have seen her apparition running in the area and some have heard her screams. It is said that the ghosts of her and the executioner put up the same show in the tower at night.  Would you wanna visit this place to witness them?

Malcha Mahal- Delhi

  Mancha Mahal- Delhi This place is haunted not only by the spirit of a depressed princess, but also by her living sons. This creepy place which I'm writing about today, is located in New Delhi, India.           Really long ago, this Mahal was given to Princess Wilayat Mahal, A descendent of the Royal family of Awadh by the government. Not very long after, the British had seized the property and the Princess was forced to live in the Delhi Railway Station in a VIP lounge with her two sons for 9 years.      After 9 years, the government had returned the property. When Princess Wilayat and her sons had returned, only then they had realised the terrible condition of the place. It was infested with insects and rundown, completely unfit for anyone to live in. After a few days, the princess became so depressed that she committed suicide by swallowing a crushed diamond, leaving behind her sons, their dogs and gold. Her sons clung to her body for days until it was discovered. The body was

Gunnuhver- Iceland

  Gunnuhver- Iceland This creepy haunting takes place in the largest geothermal mud pool of Iceland, Gunnuhver. This place is said to be haunted by the furious, terrifying spirit of an ancient female resident of the place named Gunna.     It is said that about 400 years ago, lived a woman named Gunna. People accused her of doing witchcraft since she always had a cooking pot brewing something. One fateful day, when the woman didn't pay her rent, the landlord had taken away her pot. Furious, she decided to starve herself to death.     After her death, the men carrying her coffin felt that it was unusually light. The next day, the bruised body of her landlord was found with many broken bones. It is said that her soul was still not satisfied with this and continued to brutally murder other residents of the place before a priest had managed to trap her for eternity in one of the boiling hot mud springs.     It is said that her spirit never reached the internal pit but stayed on the edge

Chandan Nagar- Pune

  Chandan Nagar- Pune Today's post is about a little ghost girl- who has the ability to scare the living daylights out of you! The haunting of this girl takes place in Chandan Nagar, Pune, India.      It is said that a young girl was murdered at a construction site in this area about 10 years ago. Her body has left the place but her soul must have never left. Many people have claimed to see her, in her white dress, along with her doll at around 12AM. If you happen to see her, she charges towards you while screaming. It is said that she has the ability to create havoc in your mind. She sometimes smiles at some people when they see her from far. Would you wanna visit her?

Edinburgh Castle- Scotland

  Edinburgh Castle- Scotland This castle is one of the most besieged castle in Britain- having faced at least 23 attacks. It is said that many spirits of those who died here had never decided to leave the place.      It is said that several hundred years ago, a network of tunnels was discovered under the castle. A piper was sent to discover where the tunnels led to. The piper played a bagpipe while travelling through the tunnels so that the people on the surface could know where he was. It is said that the sounds had stopped halfway, leaving the people confused. A search party had gone to look for the piper. But unfortunately, he was never found.       Many people, on very quiet days, when the noise of traffic has subsided, claim to hear the faint sound of bagpipes playing underground.     Many strange experiences surrounding this castle include many people seeing sword shaped meteors falling across the sky. You might also be able to see the faint apparition of ancient soldiers on hors

Terra Vera- Bangalore

  Terra Vera- Bangalore This creepy mansion, which I'm writing about today, is located in Bangalore, India. It is important for me to mention that although this building was razed to the ground a few years ago, nobody dares to stand on the ground where it once existed.      This creepy building was built in 1943 by EJ Vaj, who gifted it to his two daughters- Dolce and Vera. Unfortunately, in the year 2002, Dolce, who was a piano teacher was murdered and buried somewhere in the property. The murderer was never found. Vera, her sister soon left the house- leaving it abandoned to rot for many years.     Many people, even after the house was abandoned, heard music playing from the old piano in the house. People feared the creepy house ten times more, when they found out that a group of ghost hunters had found an inverted cross and headless statues of Mary and Jesus. Do you think this place is haunted?

Stanley Hotel- United States

  Stanley Hotel- United States This beautiful hotel, in Colorado, United States, would be the best place for a wonderful vacation if it didn't have a reputation for creepy stories and occurrences. Inside of this hotel, in 1911, was a huge fire which had destroyed one tenth of the hotel.     In room number 217, in the year 1911, a maid named Elizabeth Wilson had lit a candle. Unfortunately, there was a gas-leak in the room, which caused an explosion, which had destroyed one tenth of the building. The maid survived, but with a few broken bones. She continued to work in the hotel until she died in the 1950s, probably out of an illness.  Many people believe that her soul has still not left the hotel. Many people hear the soul of the woman crying at night, in room 217. It is said that she also folds the clothes of guests while they're sleeping, even after her death!     Many people have seen the apparition of two girls in white clothes on the stairs, similar to the twins featured in

Abbey Bungalow- Uttarakhand

Abbey Bungalow- Uttarakhand      Lohaghat, is now famous, or rather infamous for its Abbey Bungalow, which is located in Uttarakhand, India. This bungalow is infamous for its hideous Mukthi Kothri, where many people were killed in the mid 19th century.      Before the owner made the building a hospital, he used to live there with his family. The hospital had a great reputation before a very strange doctor had joined the hospital. It is said that the doctor claimed to know whether the patient would live or not. The doctor could also mention the exact date on which the patient would die. Most of the time, his predictions would be accurate.     It is said by the locals that, after predicting, the doctor would take the patient in to a special ward called the Mukthi Kothri (room of freedom), where he would brutally murder the patient, so that his prediction would come true.     Many people still hear the blood-curdling screams of the patients who had died in the room. It is said that the un

Villisca Axe Murders- United States

  Villisca Axe Murders- United States This terrifying murder took place in Villisca, Iowa, United States in the year 1912. All the six members of the Moore family, including two guests were found dead in their residence. It is said that the murders had taken place between midnight and 5 AM. It was discovered that the family was killed with an axe and the killer/killers were never found. The blows of the axe were so hard that one of the victims eyes had gone missing. Investigators state that the killer had first entered the parents' room, where they were sleeping before he/she cracked their skulls with an axe. After ending the lives of the parents, the killer had murdered the children in the same manner. The bodies were discovered in the morning by their neighbour, on realising that the family had not come out to do their daily chores.     People still hear the wails of children crying inside of the house. Many people also claim to see the apparition of a man carrying an axe through

D'Souza Chawl- Mumbai

  D'Souza Chawl- Mumbai     This haunting occurs in Chawl, or a kind of slum where people are provided basic necessities, in Mumbai, India.      It is said that the people of the chawl were not having a proper and convenient water supply, which was why a well was dug up. Unfortunately, the well had no boundaries and a woman who went to fetch water had fallen in. It is said that she was stuck in there for hours and no one had heard her screams. Unfortunately, she passed away in the well. Many people hear her screams, even today, after dark. Many people have claimed to see her when they're alone, near the well. She is said to be a harmless spirit for she doesn't trouble anyone. Many people have also seen the apparition of a security guard, sitting under a fig tree, in an old uniform at night. It is said that he vanishes in the morning, without anyone knowing. The security guards and workers of the place also complain about doors opening and closing violently by themselves. Wo

St. Augustine Lighthouse- United States

  St. Augustine Lighthouse- United States This beautiful but creepy lighthouse, which stands 50 meters tall is located in the United States of America. The lighthouse, which was constructed in 1871, housed at least 4 deaths. The most famous ghost of the lighthouse used to be one of the first keepers of the lighthouse, Peter Rasmussen. He's probably the first ghost you're gonna see after entering the building. He's also known for his love for cigars. Many people across the lighthouse, including the workers, claim to have smelt his cigar. Joseph Andreu is the name of another ghost who has been haunting the lighthouse for over a hundred years. It is said that he had died after falling from the lighthouse while painting it from the outside. Many people have seen him staring down at them from the top of the tower. Many people say that the daughters of a worker, Eliza and Mary had died in the property and their ghosts haunt the place. Many people claim to hear the dead girls laug

Kuldhara Village- The Cursed Land Of Rajasthan

  Kuldhara Village- The Cursed Land Of Rajasthan This creepy, abandoned village- or what used to be a village, is located in the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. This village was built in the 13th century, and got destroyed, almost completely by the 19th century.     It is said that after the extremely strict treatment by their head Salim Singh, all the villagers left the village overnight after cursing the land. The villagers, who fled in the early 19 hundreds, had cursed the land that nobody would ever be able to dwell or breed on the land after they left.     Many tourists and ghost hunters have heard the voices of dead villagers on their sound boxes. People also claim to hear the voices of children and adults screaming. Many people not only see scratches on their cars and vehicles, but also see the foot prints of small children. Would you wanna visit this place at night?

Island Of The Dolls- Mexico

Island Of The Dolls- Mexico This creepy, difficult to reach island, is present near Mexico city in Mexico. On visiting this island, one can see hundreds of thousands of dolls, in all sorts of places. Dolls are seen hanging on trees, inside some abandoned houses and on wrecked boats.      The folklore states that once, a girl was found deceased in a river by the only occupant of the island, Don Julian Santana. He  said that he heard the girl screaming, "I want my doll" before she died. He hung the doll next to the body on a tree nearby. The day after Julian found her, he began to hang dolls on the trees of the island. He said that the girl had asked him to do so in his dreams. After hanging dolls for many years in the island since 1950, the man was found dead in the same spot the girls was said to be found. Many people say that the spirit of the girl had killed him.     Many people on visiting the island hear the dolls crying, even when the batteries of the dolls are removed.

G.P. Block- Uttar Pradesh

  G.P. Block- Uttar Pradesh This creepy place which I'm writing about today, is located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is an abandoned place with almost none or very few people visiting.          Out of the very few people passing through this area at night, some have claimed to see four men sitting in the balcony of this building while enjoying an alcoholic beverage in the light of a candle. Many people have claimed to see the apparition of a woman in a red dress in and around this building. This woman was seen for the first time by an old lady a few decades ago. The old woman explained that the woman would come out and inside of the house multiple times. She was also spotted on the roof of the building while brushing her hair. Would you wanna join them?